I am dusting off the cobwebs today! My poor blog has been sitting here collecting dust as I have focused most of my time and energy around raising our two kids. Somewhere along the way posting my photography sessions became less and less of a priority and spending more face to face time with the kids took over. Ok to be honest, it is not like I really gave myself a choice, I happily turned over my time to these precious kiddos!
Now at 4.5 and 2.5 I am able to sneak back over here and post some of the beautiful families, pets and precious newborns that I have had the honor to continue photographing. I am so thankful for the many clients who have allowed me into their homes year after year. I have really enjoyed watching them marry, add pets into their family sessions around Christmas, and then allow me to capture images of their sweet babies after they welcomed them home.
This past November, somewhere between Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping, and my usual stacked weekends of photo sessions, my sister helped me take our Christmas card photo! I wanted to share them here for those who have been following my family as it has grown. My-my, how they have already changed!!
This Mama really should get her camera out more while hanging with the fam, but I am just like you…portrait-mode on my iPhone will have to do during this busy season of life!
For more information on available session times please email me at alana (at) abjphoto (dot) com. Or through the CONTACT page above. Thanks!