Almost nine years ago I walked into a room full of freshman to see about becoming a Young Life leader. I knew a few people, enough to feel confident going there alone. But, I did not know a lot of people in that room…kinda intimidating. Luckily, out of that group I gained a wealth of friendships. One of those ladies in the room was Stephanie, and over the next few years we became really close. I cannot believe that nine years have gone by so quickly! She has been married a few years now, and when I heard a year ago {at my wedding} that she was expecting a baby I knew that little one was sure to be blessed with an amazing mom and dad!
We had a chance to reconnect with Stephanie, Andrew, and their new baby Oliver just last weekend. What a sweet little boy! He is so strong, and good looking. It was so fun to lock eyes with him during our session on the beach. It is surreal to think that even something as simple as a windy beach day is so new and so fresh to him. Something he has never really experienced, but will totally be such a part of his sweet life on the coast of North Carolina. We loved every minute of the shoot, and hope that you enjoy the pictures. I am sure that you will be able to feel the love radiating out of each image, as we do!

Thank you OT for your inquisitive stare, and beautiful blue eyes. Thank you Stephanie and Andrew for being so amazing, and loving us so well! <><