I hope that Jasmine does not kill me for posting this photo (in the event she ever views this blog), for the record I think she still looks amazing in this photo. I realize you are all getting a good chuckle right now! I look as nervous as I felt, and even though I feel like I did a good job of stepping out from behind my camera, I was still out of my comfort zone. The truth behind this photo is that David was taking a picture with my camera and Jasmine realized that he did not get the shot! I tell ya what, Jasmine has mad skillz when it comes to multitasking and attention to detail! Thank you Jasmine, for noticing while I was SO NERVOUS and looking like a fool! It was an honor to meet you and take part in this event! (More info on Jasmine Star here)
Here is the real shot…
Ah, much better!
I have been processing my experience at theFIX for a week and two days, and trying to keep up with the Facebook page, and all the new amazing photographers I have been exposed to for the past few weeks. It is such a BLESSING to be connected with so many photographers, and people in our community that are pursuing their passion as well! To be honest, this community is what has been most absent from our business. Not on purpose, but it is just hard to be a full-time employee and own your own business as well. I get to take photos every day, but not for ABJ Photography, so we have a lot of late night work sessions, and not a lot of time to network. Don’t worry, that is HIGH on my goal list for 2012-2013!
Here are some take-aways, reminders, and goals from our time at theFIX:
* Change is GOOD! The STRUGGLE connects us. Struggle leads to change.
* Surround ourselves with people who we can help, and who can help us. (Can I get an AMEN?)
* Break the mold! “Professional” is what I make of it, not what I am told by others.
* Be Authentic, it is our greatest advantage!
* Confidence- do things in advance that will build confidence and will control what I want, like practice and goal setting.
* Emotional Immersion…envision and plan for your dreams to come true!
* Sacrifice does not guarantee success it is merely a prerequisite of success!
I am so excited to continue connecting to photographers in my area! If you live in North Atlanta/Roswell/OTP North please let me know if you want to join us this Sunday or in the future! I hope that our time will be full of encouragement, direction and goal setting, laughter, ideas, and resources.
Thank you to Jasmine and her team for fostering this group, opening the conversation, and giving us all a little kick in the butt!